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Apple Vision Uh-Oh! The Danger of Spacial Computing.

Apple launched this apple Vision Pro, its first spatial computer, at the beginning of February and the reviews are in. Anyone who is anyone is extolling the virtues of this device as the next Leap Forward in human computer interaction.

May 2, 2024 in Blog 2 min read

Apple launched this apple Vision Pro, its first spatial computer, at the beginning of February and the reviews are in. Anyone who is anyone is extolling the virtues of this device as the next Leap Forward in human computer interaction.

Interface Revolutions

Every couple of decades we make a huge leap forward in how humans interact with computers. We started 100 years ago using flashing lights, switches and dials to control computers. We then moved on to program them via paper Punch Cards. We then worked away worked out a way of typing commands into a command line interface and telling computers what to do through a keyboard. Then Xerox invented the mouse and point and click interfaces were born.

More recently we invented touch and were able to touch and interact with computers through touch screens. Apparently spatial Computing is the next leap forward; but there is something really serious we need to consider about this Leap Forward.

Interface Distance

We need to consider the amount of real world that exists between us and the computer. When computers were hardwired into the corner a room you needed to make a conscious decision to go and interact with that device. You had to walk through the real world to get to it and sit down log in, with every single one of these advancements that we’ve made the amount of real world between us and the device have started to shrink.


When we started to use touch devices and mobile phones as a way of interacting with computers we started to experience some of the real world through that device. We experience parts of our life through these devices and the problem with this comes due to the face this device is not a true representation of the real world. The is a filter and it is a filter created by multiple people; it’s a filter created by the people who build the device, the people who build the software, and a filter created by you.

You are selective in the way that you experience the world through this device. As an example a recent study showed that in the UK 10% of leftwing people only get their news from partisan sources. It’s these kind of filters that you create where you’re only seeing the experience of your world through the filter.

Additionally on top of that there are people controlling what you see on this device people who build the algorithms or conduct and curate the content you’re experiencing. You don’t have a complete view of what you experience in the real world.

With the Vision Pro you’re entire view is filtered, this means is it stops you from experiencing things outside of your bubble, outside of the things you want to see, people challenging your viewpoints, people giving you other ideas and sharing thoughts and experiences with you.

There are no longer any other distractions, people are unable to challenge your world view, no inconvenient truths being presented in front of you?

We need to think if we’re comfortable with putting the responsibility of our entire world view in the hands of tech companies? Is this a future we want?